Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Sorry for not keeping so many things I am dying to gush about. School is officially in session and it takes me a while to adjust to a new time schedule so I have been a little frantic and busy as of late. Upcoming reviews and book news is coming....really it is.

Items/Bookish things I am dying to gush about: some of them at least, any comments as to what I should persue first?

THIS IS WHERE I LEAVE YOU (because I feel conflicted about it and always LOVE Jonathen T. so....)

The GIRLS by Lori Lansens (currently reading
the new Faye Kellerman is out...anyone out there read it yet? Is it a good installment to the series or wait for paperback one...heard some things...any comments?

The Maze Runner ( recieved an ARC, really enjoyed this one..I think)

Upcoming release of
Her Fearful Symmetry (by the author of Time Travelers Wife)

Some excellent library finds in their annual giveaway of "unwanted/unusable" dangerous for my shelves

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